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Project Joy Updated.png

Project Joy is a heartfelt privilege for us, as we reach out to those in need through the Imagine Foundation each year, and YOU ARE INVITED to be a part of Project Joy again this year.


The Christmas season is not as special as it should be for many, with needs often overshadowing the joy of Christmas. We are excited to make this time of year a joyous occasion for those in our world – with Christmas parcels that are thoughtfully and intentionally put together, for both adults and children. 


These parcels include essential toiletry items and age-appropriate gifts.


In addition, we are providing vital stationery packs, ensuring that learners are well-equipped for the upcoming school year.


You can make a significant difference by sponsoring a toiletry OR stationery pack for R200.


We love having the opportunity to bring joy and demonstrate the love of Jesus to people through our generosity – thank you Imagine Church.



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Banking Details

The Imagine Foundation NPC

Account Number: 044283407


Standard Bank

Branch Code:



The Imagine Foundation NPC

Company Registration Number: 2002/000170/08

Public Benefit Organisation: 930058059

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