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Every year as a Church, we come together for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. The aim of the fast is to draw closer to God, seek Him first and trust that His plans and will for our lives would be fulfilled.


As you prepare for the fast, start with preparing your heart for God to do something significant in your life. Then, prepare your spirit to be receptive to the voice of God and the leading of His spirit. Lastly, clear your mind of all the distractions and demands and set your thoughts on things above. As you do this, get ready to have the best fast of your life.


I’m believing God for His supernatural power at work in our lives. This year’s fast can be different if we approach it differently. God is wanting to demonstrate His power in your life and display His glory. If you believe God can do the IMPOSSIBLE (which He can) then it requires a step of faith, accompanied by an action. Prayer and fasting is a catalyst for God to start working in your life. It is an opportunity to shift our attention from earthly matters to eternal purposes and promises. The blessing in focusing on God and living for the eternal is that you’re not only setting up the future, but God comes into our natural situations and does what we cannot do.


Make this fast count! When you prioritise God through prayer and fasting, you open your life for Him to do abundantly more than you can imagine. I challenge you to step out in faith for 21 days and commit to seek God with all your heart and put Him first in your life.


Let’s not negotiate minimums and think ‘what is the least I need to do?’. Scripture says, “as a man sows, so shall he reap.” Make an effort to deny yourself in the flesh, i.e. cut out certain food, replace TV time with reading the Bible or learning about God, cut out social media and detox your soul.


As we pray and fast, we give God access to work and move in our lives and do what we cannot do. Whatever is beyond your capacity and ability, commit it to God through the fast and watch the Lord move on your behalf. 


It’s a powerful thing when one person fasts and seeks the Lord, but when the Church comes together to pray and fast, that power is multiplied. The power of God is not just released over an individual, it is at work in community - changing the atmosphere, pushing back evil, and shining the light of Jesus into darkness.


These next 21 days might be the most powerful and impactful days of the year. What is given in faith is received in faith. Faith is the currency of heaven and it pleases God when we are living in faith (Hebrews 11:6).


Let these 21 days of prayer and fasting be a step of faith as we trust God for the year ahead!


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